The Importance of Teaching Children the Gospel

A Minnesota highway patrolman came upon a motorist whose car was stopped along the side of the road. Although not a mechanic, the officer gave the vehicle a once-over. Sitting behind the wheel, he turned the key and saw the fuel gauge was solidly buried in EMPTY. When he shared the problem with the motorist, … Read more

The Race of Life

When I reflect on the race of life, I remember another type of race, even from childhood days. My friends and I would take pocketknives in hand and, from the soft wood of a willow tree, fashion small toy boats. With a triangular-shaped cotton sail in place, each would launch his crude craft in the … Read more

Focus Group

Are you on the go, all the time… chauffeuring children from school to soccer practice and piano lessons while you try to decide what will be served for dinner? If you frequently feel an urgent need to shop at Wal-mart to purchase poster paper for tomorrow’s science fair project, you may qualify for a research … Read more

WordPerfect and My Coke Rewards

Coca-Cola’s USA “My Coke Rewards” points holders can currently redeem 66 points and $22.99 in exchange for their very own copy of “Corel WordPerfect Office XS Standard Edition” (sic) – although I assume they actually mean “X5” as they use that in the picture and description. Can’t Beat the Real Thing! 20-ounce or 2-liter bottle-caps … Read more

Does God play the accordion?

Does God play the accordion? No, really. I think it is a good question. People, with various assumed roles of authority, tell me that God can do everything. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, etc. I heard someone once hypothesize that God cannot give His earthly children talents which He Himself does not already possess. So I … Read more

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

I enjoy Reverend Ken Klaus’ Lutheran Hour Ministries Daily Devotions, a 3 – 4 minute daily podcast (yes, a Mormon listens to the Lutheran Hour program. I figure it is OK because I’m certain that at least one Lutheran out there listens to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir). Today, I thought I’d try to write something in the … Read more

What shall they do which are baptized for the dead?

There has been stories in the news recently saying how the Mormons have endeavored to perform baptisms in behalf of deceased holocaust victims or celebrities. Being a card-carrying, faith-filled member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I’d like to give you an insider perspective on this story. Let me assure you that … Read more

Come unto me. Forbid them not.

Recently ten of our area church congregations met together in a semi-annual conference. This is one long two-hour meeting, and it can be tough for little kids to sit through. A few days later, I saw one young mother, a member of this expanded congregation, whom I had recognized as being at the meeting. I … Read more