I enjoy Reverend Ken Klaus’ Lutheran Hour Ministries Daily Devotions, a 3 – 4 minute daily podcast (yes, a Mormon listens to the Lutheran Hour program. I figure it is OK because I’m certain that at least one Lutheran out there listens to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir). Today, I thought I’d try to write something in the style of his program. It is not exactly my style, but I sometimes like to challenge myself to write in a way to imitate others.
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The text for today’s devotion from the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, recorded in Mathew Chapter 6:
“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
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Visiting the Falkland Islands is a bit like stepping back in time. The approximately 3,000 Islanders who live 290 miles east of the coast of mainland South America the South Atlantic Ocean live a simple life. Most still heat their homes with peat stoves, grow their own vegetables, and raise chickens for their soft-boiled eggs. Modern life has not caught up with them yet, and the city fathers seem content with that.
All of this is threatened to change, because they believe they have discovered bubblin’ crude.
Black Gold.
Texas Tea.
Oil, that is!
If the early exploration efforts prove correct, this island “may already be a winner” of an economic lottery.
Rightfully, the long-timers are concerned.
They recognize that the sudden influx of large sums of money, which they did not earn by the sweat of their brow, might have terrible consequences on the spirituality of the people.
The love of money – and the comforts and false sense of security it can buy – can do things to people. It can divert their attention away from things which are truly important – the love of neighbor, the focus of family, and the worship of their God.
Now don’t get me wrong… money itself is not the problem. It is possible to possess money and handle it responsibly. But as Paul warned Timothy, “the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
Managing money is a temptation which many people have proven to be too hard to handle. Examples abound in the histories of the nations, in the Holy Word of scripture, and in the lives of individuals of those who have obtained riches, become a little bit comfortable in their riches; boasted a bit of their strength and prosperity; and forgotten to worship God. When the people become slow to remember their God, He sometimes returns the favor.
We already should feel that we owe a debt of gratitude to Jesus for what He has done to rescue our souls from death and Hell. Let us be careful in the management of our lives and our finances to prioritize our desires and remember where true rewards are found.
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We pray:
May we be in tune with Thy precepts, and not let the things of the world crowd Thee out of our hearts and minds. May we manage our resources which Thou has blessed us with, wisely and with thankful hearts toward Thee. May we present a good example of a follower of Thee to all who observe our daily walk and conversation. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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Associated Press article:
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