Dis-Order in the Court

An item in the news (click for the link) explains that Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, and Tweety Bird were called to be witnesses in court-of-law. I was just imagining how part of that trial might go…

Judge: “We first call ‘Donald’ to the stand”

Donald: “Baaa Baa Baa Baaaaa Baaaa”

Judge: “We dismiss this witness on grounds that we have no idea what he is saying. We now call ‘Bugs’ to the stand.”

Bugs: “Na, what’s up doc?”

Judge: “I’ll do the questioning, thank you”

Bugs: “I will”

Judge: “I will”

Bugs: “I will”

Judge: “I will”

Bugs: “I will”

Judge: “I will”

Bugs: “You will”

Judge: “You will”

Bugs: “You will”

Judge: “No, you will, and that’s an order!”

Bugs: “OK then, where were you on the night of the 31st of February, 1978?”

Judge: “I… I… Hey, wait a minute!”

Bugs: “Naa…” (chomps on carrot) “Ain’t I a stinker?”

Judge (exasperated): “Witness Dismissed!”

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