The Pinky and the Brain Cloud

A comprehensive look into a disconcerting phenomenon by Snow White and the Seven Samurai Gee, Brain! What are we going to do tonight? Since the inception of “Animaniacs” in 1993, “Pinky and the Brain” (P&B) has become one of America’s most iconic animated comedies. It has been said that these two mice even rival the greatness … Read more

Thankfulness and Stuff.

We are blog slackers.  Sorry.  But I just gave you one more thing to be thankful for.  This post. For one day every year the people of our nation are thankful.  What are they thankful for?  I’m sure that varies.  We celebrate being thankful by stressing out our parents and stuffing ourselves full of wonderful food.  Perhaps we are … Read more

The Unsettling Settlers

A couple years ago, we were hanging out with some of our friends when we were introduced to a game called “Settlers” (or “Settlers of Catan”).  Needless to say, we got hooked.  After holding out for a while, we reluctantly forked out the $40 for the game.  All was well.  We played it with friends, … Read more

Baaaaaaaaad Traffic

Shortly after moving here, the community thought it would be nice to welcome us with a little taste of home. Of course, being surrounded by sheep in a traffic jam is not quite the same as being surrounded by other cars. Nevertheless, the effort was greatly appreciated. I can’t believe it’s been a year this … Read more

Movie + Karaoke = . . .

I am not at all opposed to Karaoke.  Okay, I only like it in small groups where nobody else is any good, but I have to say that this completely caught my attention. Yes, that’s right.  Mamma Mia Sing Along Edition.  I guess the only difference is that the audience is actually SUPPOSED to sing along … Read more